Quest Hero Protein Bars Starter Pack (4 x 60g)

RM 63.60

Bite with relish into the crunchy and chewy core of these Quest Nutrition Hero Bars that brought the look of incredulous belief on the faces of people who try it for the first time because it tastes like a cheat day...but isn't cheating at all! Now you really can have your *bar" and eat it too!

Try every Quest Hero flavour we are offering with this starter pack which contains:

  • 1 bar Quest Hero Protein Bar Chocolate Caramel Pecan
  • 1 bar Quest Hero Protein Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • 1 bar Quest Hero Protein Bar Blueberry Cobbler
  • 1 bar Quest Hero Protein Bar Chocolate Coconut

Serving size: 60g

Nutritional value Quest hero bar.png

*Nutritional values may vary slightly for different flavours of this product